Tibetan Lambskin Boa
Instructor: Becky Utecht
Class Time: 1 to 4 pm
Be the proud owner of a warm and fluffy lambskin boa/scarf you made yourself! Participants will receive a kit containing all the materials and tools needed to complete a 60” lustrous and soft scarf. There is plenty of time to finish the project in class, but if you don't, it's easy to complete it at home.
Class Details
Minimum Age: 15 years
Skills Required: some experience with needlework/sewing
Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $45
Includes Lambskin Boa Kit:
• Pre-cut tanned Tibetan lambskin
• a leather cutter's needle, thread
• and handout
Instructor will bring (for use in class):
Metal clips
Limited number of scissors
Makeshift leather thimbles
Students should bring(recommended to save time in class):
Small scissors
Leather thimble
Eyeglasses, if needed.
Instructor: Becky Utecht
Class Time: 1 to 4 pm
Be the proud owner of a warm and fluffy lambskin boa/scarf you made yourself! Participants will receive a kit containing all the materials and tools needed to complete a 60” lustrous and soft scarf. There is plenty of time to finish the project in class, but if you don't, it's easy to complete it at home.
Class Details
Minimum Age: 15 years
Skills Required: some experience with needlework/sewing
Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $45
Includes Lambskin Boa Kit:
• Pre-cut tanned Tibetan lambskin
• a leather cutter's needle, thread
• and handout
Instructor will bring (for use in class):
Metal clips
Limited number of scissors
Makeshift leather thimbles
Students should bring(recommended to save time in class):
Small scissors
Leather thimble
Eyeglasses, if needed.
Instructor: Becky Utecht
Class Time: 1 to 4 pm
Be the proud owner of a warm and fluffy lambskin boa/scarf you made yourself! Participants will receive a kit containing all the materials and tools needed to complete a 60” lustrous and soft scarf. There is plenty of time to finish the project in class, but if you don't, it's easy to complete it at home.
Class Details
Minimum Age: 15 years
Skills Required: some experience with needlework/sewing
Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $45
Includes Lambskin Boa Kit:
• Pre-cut tanned Tibetan lambskin
• a leather cutter's needle, thread
• and handout
Instructor will bring (for use in class):
Metal clips
Limited number of scissors
Makeshift leather thimbles
Students should bring(recommended to save time in class):
Small scissors
Leather thimble
Eyeglasses, if needed.