Beginning Spinning


Instructor: Janie Mininger

Choose from two available class times:

  • 8 to 11am

  • 2 to 5pm

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to learn to spin wool fiber and make yarn with a spinning wheel? I will bring my wheels, and let you try it out; you’ll soon be spinning away!!

We'll cover:

  • Basic principles of the spinning wheel

  • Wool characteristics and how to draft wool

  • Spin a ‘single’ yarn

  • Wind your yarn off on a niddy-noddy

  • Learn to make a 2-ply yarn (if time permits) 

  • You will each get 2 ounces of fiber to spin in class; BFL roving from my flock. That will be yours to keep 

Class Details

Minimum Age: 12 years or over

Skills Required: No experience needed!

Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $20 (includes 2 oz roving and use of a wheel)

Students should bring: Please bring your own fully functional wheel, or you will be welcome to use one of mine

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Instructor: Janie Mininger

Choose from two available class times:

  • 8 to 11am

  • 2 to 5pm

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to learn to spin wool fiber and make yarn with a spinning wheel? I will bring my wheels, and let you try it out; you’ll soon be spinning away!!

We'll cover:

  • Basic principles of the spinning wheel

  • Wool characteristics and how to draft wool

  • Spin a ‘single’ yarn

  • Wind your yarn off on a niddy-noddy

  • Learn to make a 2-ply yarn (if time permits) 

  • You will each get 2 ounces of fiber to spin in class; BFL roving from my flock. That will be yours to keep 

Class Details

Minimum Age: 12 years or over

Skills Required: No experience needed!

Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $20 (includes 2 oz roving and use of a wheel)

Students should bring: Please bring your own fully functional wheel, or you will be welcome to use one of mine

Instructor: Janie Mininger

Choose from two available class times:

  • 8 to 11am

  • 2 to 5pm

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to learn to spin wool fiber and make yarn with a spinning wheel? I will bring my wheels, and let you try it out; you’ll soon be spinning away!!

We'll cover:

  • Basic principles of the spinning wheel

  • Wool characteristics and how to draft wool

  • Spin a ‘single’ yarn

  • Wind your yarn off on a niddy-noddy

  • Learn to make a 2-ply yarn (if time permits) 

  • You will each get 2 ounces of fiber to spin in class; BFL roving from my flock. That will be yours to keep 

Class Details

Minimum Age: 12 years or over

Skills Required: No experience needed!

Materials Fee, paid to instructor: $20 (includes 2 oz roving and use of a wheel)

Students should bring: Please bring your own fully functional wheel, or you will be welcome to use one of mine

about Janie Mininger

ShabbyWoolJane's farm is home to a small flock of BFL/BL sheep.. just north of Barron. I love my BFL/BL flock of sheep! I am passionate about their fiber in all stages..the freshly shorn fleeces, the curly washed locks, the fluffy rovings, the soft cozy comforters. My favorite is hand-spinning.. and my specialty would be art yarn.. the fun, funky, bumpy stuff!

I love to pass on the art of hand spinning. Blue Faced Leicester's fiber is perfect for spinning, especially for beginners. I have had sheep for 20 years, and find it so fulfilling to process my own wool here on the farm. I also have dyed locks; awesome to use as an add-in to handspun yarn, or in felting protects or blending.